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TELEVISION: 60 Minutes, May 10, 2020

PANDEMIC POLITICS – Is politics preventing the scientific community from doing crucial research that could help find a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus? Scott Pelley investigates. View the segment here.


TELEVISION: BBC Impact, May 7, 2020

Interview discussing the scientific evidence in support of a natural zoontic spillover of the virus from infected bats to the human population. No link provided.


RADIO: BBC NI, Good Morning Ulster, May 7, 2020

Interview discussing the scientific evidence that the coronavirus pandemic began in nature with a zoonotic disease spillover from an infected bat to humans. Prevention of the next pandemic is also discussed.


RADIO: ABC Radio Australia, May 6, 2020

Interview discussing the likely origins of the coronavirus pandemic in China, as well as the supporting scientific evidence.


TELEVISION: CBC /Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, May 5, 2020

Investigative journalism report into the increasing political tensions between China and the US over the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. In German. View the video clip here.


RADIO: BBC The World Tonight, May 4, 2020

Interview discussing the likely origins of the coronavirus pandemic.


RADIO: BBC Radio, May 4, 2020

Interview discussing the science that supports the likely spillover of a bat virus to the human population in a community setting. No link provided.


PRINT: Washington Post, May 1, 2020

Investigative journalism: Chinese lab conducted extensive research on deadly bat viruses, but there is no evidence of accidental release. View the article here.